Can You Make A Living As An Author? 4 Publishing Experts Weigh In

The world of publishing has shifted immensely over the past decades — and even over the past year.
It has only been a little over a year since ChatGPT rampaged into our modern lives. Yet already certain companies are claiming that they can write an entire book for you in a matter of days – harnessing generative AI, of course. Please note: The books won’t contain one bit of original content or any actual stories and wisdom from your life.
But still, it begs the question: Is there a role for authors in today’s world? Is the dream of earning a living by putting words on a page (or on a screen or in people’s ears) even attainable? Four publishing and media experts weigh in: Mark Gottlieb, literary agent with Trident Media Group; Megan Williams, founder and CEO of TSPA; Ashley Bernardi, founder and CEO of Nardi Media; and Karla Blocka, founder and CEO of Fiction Profits Academy. Read on to discover Blocka’s top five tips for how to succeed as an author.
Mark Gottlieb is VP and Literary Agent at Trident Media.
1. Mark Gottlieb, VP and Literary Agent at Trident Media Group
Mark Gottlieb is VP and literary agent at Trident Media Group. Trident represents books in every genre, from fiction to nonfiction to children’s books and graphic novels. The agency has represented such massively successful authors as Dean Koontz and Tom Clancy, and worked with celebrities including Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert.
Gottlieb’s career began when he was still an undergrad at Emerson College, where he was involved in literary magazines and majored in publishing, learning the business end of things. After a stint at Penguin, he joined his father’s business, Trident.
So, is it possible to write just one book and live off of that for the rest of your life? “Almost impossible,” Gottlieb replies. “Don’t quit your day job.”
To make an impact as an author in the world of commercial fiction, you must be prolific, publishing a book every 12 to 18 months. “Sales tails are very thick and short, but then they immediately taper off,” said Gottlieb in an exclusive interview with me. “Success often hinges on the ability to balance creative expression with a strategic approach to marketing, self-promotion, and adaptation to the ever-evolving landscape of modern publishing.”
The world of nonfiction, Gottlieb emphasizes, is completely platform-driven. Meaning, it’s not enough to have an interesting idea or a well-written book; you must be a top authority in your subject matter and have a large following. “Publishers really want to see you speaking from a Broadway stage, not a soapbox,” he says. “That’s a challenge for a lot of authors.”
Gottlieb counsels aspiring authors to start small and build. “Look, before she wrote Wild, and it became a national bestseller and was turned into a movie starring Reese Witherspoon, Cheryl Strayed published essays for years. Eventually, some of those went viral. Once she had a following, publishers were reaching out to her. You may feel as though you’re throwing pebbles in a pond. Well, guess what? Every time you throw a pebble, there are many, many ripples. And you never know what could be living under the surface of that pond. There could be a really big fish in there.”
Megan Williams is the founder and CEO of TSPA.
2. Megan Williams, Founder/ CEO of The Self-Publishing Agency (TSPA)
Megan Williams is the founder and CEO of The Self-Publishing Agency, the only hybrid publishing agency in North America that doesn’t take royalties from its authors. She began her own publishing journey when she wrote and self-published her award-winning memoir, Our Interrupted Fairy Tale. She is also the coauthor of two children’s books with her teenage step-daughter.
“You can make a living as an author, but it might not be what you expect,” Williams said in an exclusive interview with me. “When you start writing, if you plan on landing a publishing advance that will allow you to move to a lake-side cottage and retire from your day job, then you’re likely to be disappointed. The grand-slam, Carrie Bradshaw author-life was created for the movies. However, the great news is: writing a book and becoming an author will change your life and it will change how you make a living.”
Why? Williams emphasizes how having a professionally-published book puts you in rooms, in conversations and in front of opportunities that you might never have anticipated when you first sat down to write.
For example, Bill Morrison’s number one bestselling book Lions in the Grass got him a radio interview that resulted in a $40K consulting contract. That led to even larger, more lucrative contracts. “I’m the same guy with the same tie, but now everyone is paying attention,” says Morrison. “Now, I’m the smartest guy in the room. “
The author of Mama Needs a Drink and Mama Needs a Vacay, Tage Lee has earned tens of thousands of dollars in book sales following several waves of influencer endorsements. However, it wasn’t the sales of her book that made a difference, she emphasizes. “Rather, now I’m seen as a creative thinker who can take on large-scale projects. That is how my book has opened doors for me.”
Ashley Bernardi is the founder and CEO of Nardi Media.
3. Ashley Bernardi, Founder/CEO of Nardi Media
Ashley Bernardi is the founder and CEO of Nardi Media, a strategic media relations firm specializing in the promotion of authors and speakers. Nardi also offers a Media Academy training program aimed at helping authors and executives make more powerful media appearances.
Bernardi has a unique perspective, in that she has worked both as a promoter and a producer of content. She spent years working as a broadcast television producer at CBS News, Bloomberg TV, and The Washington Post – so she has seen a lot of author pitches.
“If you think you are going to make millions from selling your book, think again. This is almost never the case,” said Bernardi in an exclusive interview with me.
However, she urges people not to take that as a sign that they shouldn’t write a book. On the contrary, Bernardi says, “Your book is your business. It is your calling card and foot in the door to bigger opportunities such as speaking engagements, online courses, business collaborations, and more.”
The key to success, in Bernardi’s opinion, is not anticipating that the book alone can every become your sole source of income. “You must have a strategic plan. The most successful authors think like business people. There is a strategy behind the book, multiple revenue streams beyond the book, and as always, the author is their own best secret marketing weapon. Not the publisher, not the PR firm, and not the agent, but the author.”
Karla Marie Blocka is the founder of Fiction Profits Academy.
4. Karla Blocka, Founder of Fiction Profits Academy
Fiction Profits Academy is an online education company that helps people learn how to build online income through publishing e-books. Founder Karla Blocka learned how to publish e-books on Amazon in 2019 and found that it changed her life, allowing her to work from her laptop, earn a great living, and have a lot of time and location freedom. In 2015, she shifted full-time into teaching others how to publish e-books. She has since worked with over 10,000 students.
In an exclusive interview with me, Blocka offered these 5 tips for success as an author:
- Write to market. I would argue that this is the most important key for success. Content and themes must be in-demand by readers and there must already be an audience. Study the Amazon bestseller lists to get a feel for what niches are popular. Don’t try to be “unique.”
- Aim for bestseller quality. Many authors put hundreds of hours and blood, sweat and tears into writing their books. This needs to be matched with high-quality formatting and cover design. Covers can make or break books. Invest in an experienced designer.
- Build your audience. Build your own mailing list of interested readers. To do this, you can offer a short book for free in exchange for a reader’s email address. Platforms like Mailerlite along with Bookfunnel make mailing list building easy, as they take care of the distribution and customer service involved so you get to watch your number of subscribers grow.
- Embrace being a marketer. Many authors are resistant to the idea of needing to do any marketing. The reality is, you can’t make money from selling your books if you’re not willing to do what it takes to get visible in front of readers. This means some email lists and paid advertising (Facebook ads are still highly effective for authors).
- Build a back catalog. Realistically, it is not likely that one masterpiece novel will allow you to quit your day job. However, building a catalog of multiple books and publishing consistently on a regular schedule makes being a successful full-time author far more likely.
In short, it is possible to make a living as an author – just not off your books alone!
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