Writing Techniques

Creative Writing with GPT-3: from Emoji to Flash Fiction | by Yennie Jun

Enhancing the creative writing process with AI

A robot tasked with writing a story! Image generated by author using DALL-E 2.

As a creative fiction writer, I wanted to know if I could get AI to help me write stories. AI has been used to create fiction, such as a children’s book, a book of poetry, and an academic article about itself. AI-enabled writing tools, such as Google’s Wordcraft, have also augmented the process of planning, writing, and editing stories.

In this article, I use GPT-3, a generative AI language model created by OpenAI, to write a piece of short fiction in an iterative, human-in-the-loop process. Through each step in the process, I constrain GPT-3 in different ways to induce varying levels of specificity and sparsity using few-shot learning, detailed instructions, and parameterization. Using GPT-3, I

  • generate story ideas using emojis,
  • flesh out settings and character backgrounds, and
  • synthesize background context to create a compressed, 100-word short story

My philosophy with creative writing, as with most other creative pursuits, is that the human is essential to the creation process. GPT-3 does not automate the role of or replace the job of the creative writer. Rather…

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